Wednesday 3 September 2008

New England Journal Of Medicine Publishes Phase III Results Of VELCADE(R) (Bortezomib) For Injection In Previously Untreated Multiple Myeloma Patients

�Millennium: The Takeda
Oncology Company proclaimed the publication of results from the 682
patient, randomized, Phase III VISTA(1) trial in this week's edition of the
New England Journal of Medicine. The results showed a significant endurance
benefit and a 30 percent discharge remission (CR) rate with VELCADE,
alkeran and prednisone (VcMP) compared to 4 percent for melaphalan and
prednisone (MP) alone in previously untreated multiple myeloma patients.
Multiple myeloma is the bit most usual blood cancer.

"These data demonstrate that treatment with VELCADE plus melphalan and
prednisone leads to a survival welfare and a high complete remission in
previously untreated patients with multiple myeloma," said Professor Jesus
San Miguel, M.D., Ph.D., Hematology Department Head, University Hospital of
Salamanca and Principal Investigator of the test. "The combination of
VELCADE plus alkeran and liquid Pred is an important modern option for these

These information originally were presented at the 2007 American Society of
Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting. Based on these positive visitation results, the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration sanctioned VELCADE for patients with
previously untreated multiple myeloma on June 20, 2008. The Phase III VISTA
trial was conducted by Millennium and its co-development partner Johnson &
Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development, L.L.C. in 151 centers

"We are proud to stimulate these information published in such a highly honored
journal," aforementioned Nancy Simonian, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Millennium.
"We're delighted that previously untreated multiple myeloma patients now
can benefit from this VELCADE based therapy as have patients in the
relapsed and refractory settings since 2003."

(1) VELCADE as Initial Standard Therapy in multiple myeloma: Assessment
with alkeran and prednisone

VISTA Trial Results

Patient responses were evaluated by the stringent European Group for
Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) criteria:

-- A CR rate of 30 percent in the VcMP arm compared to 4 percent with
MP (p

-- VcMP demonstrated statistical significance in overall survival with
a 39 percent reducing in peril of death (Hazard ratio= 0.61; p=0.008) with
a follow-up of 16.3 months

-- The average treatment continuance was 46 weeks for the VcMP arm compared
to 39 weeks for the control arm and discontinuation due to inauspicious events
was similar in both arms

Patients in the VcMP arm standard VELCADE at 1.3 mg/m2 twice weekly in
weeks unmatchable, two, four-spot and basketball team for four-spot six-week cycles (eight doses per
cycle), followed by once weekly on weeks one, two, four and five for up to
five six-week cycles (foursome doses per cycle) in combination with melphalan
at 9 mg/m2 and orasone at 60 mg/m2 once daily on days 1 through 4 of
each cycle for up to nine six-week cycles. For both groups, treatment
continued for a maximum of 54 weeks.

"The tolerability of VcMP also was encouraging and side personal effects were
in general manageable with appropriate supportive care and dose reduction as
needed," commented Paul Richardson, M.D., Clinical Director of the Jerome
Lipper Multiple Myeloma Center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Senior
Investigator on the study.

The safety profile of VELCADE in combination with MP is consistent with
the known safety profiles of both VELCADE and MP. In VISTA, the most
ordinarily reported adverse events for VELCADE in combination with MP vs MP,
respectively, were thrombocytopenia (52% vs 47%), neutropenia (49% vs 46%),
nausea (48% vs 28%), peripheral neuropathy (47% vs 5%), diarrhea (46% vs
17%), anemia (43% vs 55%), constipation (37% vs 16%), neuralgia (36% vs
1%), leukopenia (33% vs 30%), vomiting (33% vs 16%), pyrexia (29% vs 19%),
fatigue (29% vs 26%), lymphopenia (24% vs 17%), anorexia (23% vs 10%),
asthenia (21% vs 18%), cough (21% vs 13%), insomnia (20% vs 13%), edema
peripheral (20% vs 10%), rash (19% vs 7%), back pain (17% vs 18%),
pneumonia (16% vs 11%), dizziness (16% vs 11%), dyspnea (15% vs 13%),
headache (14% vs 10%), pain in extremity (14% vs 9%), abdominal painfulness (14%
vs 7%), paraesthesia (13% vs 4%), herpes virus zoster (13% vs 4%), bronchitis (13%
vs 8%), hypokalemia (13% vs 7%), hypertension (13% vs 7%), abdominal pain sensation
upper (12% vs 9%), hypotension (12% vs 3%), dyspepsia (11% vs 7%),
nasopharyngitis (11% vs 8%), bone pain sensation (11% vs 10%), arthralgia (11% vs
15%) and pruritus (10% vs 5%).

Important Safety Information

In the U.S., VELCADE is indicated for the treatment of patients with
multiple myeloma. VELCADE as well is indicated for the treatment of patients
with mantle cell lymphoma world Health Organization have received at least one prior therapy.
VELCADE is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to bortezomib,
boron or mannitol. VELCADE should be administered under the supervising of
a physician experienced in the use of antineoplastic therapy.

Risks associated with VELCADE therapy include new or worsening
peripheral neuropathy, hypotension throughout therapy, cardiac and
pulmonary disorders, reversible nates leukoencephalopathy syndrome,
gastrointestinal adverse events, thrombopenia, neutropenia, tumour lysis
syndrome and liverwort events. Women of childbirth potential should avoid
seemly pregnant spell being treated with VELCADE. Nursing mothers are
advised not to breastfeed patch receiving VELCADE. Cases of severe sensorial
and motor peripheral neuropathy have been reported. The long-term final result
of peripheral neuropathy has not been studied in mantle jail cell lymphoma.
Acute development or exacerbation of congestive heart failure, and new
onset of reduced left ventricular ejection fraction has been reported,
including reports in patients with no risk factors for decreased left
ventricular forcing out fraction. There have been reports of acute pervade
infiltrative pneumonic disease of unknown etiology such as pneumonitis,
interstitial pneumonia, lung infiltration and Acute Respiratory Distress
Syndrome in patients receiving VELCADE. Some of these events have been
fatal. There have been reports of Reversible Posterior Leukoencephalopathy
Syndrome (RPLS) in patients receiving VELCADE. RPLS is a rare, reversible,
neurological disorderliness which john present with seizure, high blood pressure,
headache, slackness, confusion, blindness, and other visual and neurological
disturbances. VELCADE is associated with thrombocytopenia and neutropenia.
There have been reports of gastrointestinal and intracerebral hemorrhage in
association with VELCADE. Transfusions crataegus laevigata be considered. Complete blood
counts (CBC) should be frequently monitored during treatment with VELCADE.
Cases of acute liver failure get been reported in patients receiving
multiple concomitant medications and with serious underlying medical
conditions. Patients world Health Organization are concomitantly receiving VELCADE and drugs that
ar inhibitors or inducers of cytochrome P450 3A4 should be tight
monitored for either toxicities or reduced efficacy. Patients on oral
antidiabetic medicament while receiving VELCADE should check blood sugar
levels frequently.

Adverse Reaction Data

Safety data from Phase II and III studies of single-agent VELCADE 1.3
mg/m2/dose twice weekly for 2 weeks followed by a 10-day rest geological period in
1163 patients with previously treated multiple myeloma (N=1008, non
including the Phase III, VELCADE summation DOXIL(R) [doxorubicin HCl liposome
injection] study) and antecedently treated mantle cell lymphoma (N=155) were
integrated and tabulated. In these studies, the safety profile of VELCADE
was similar in patients with multiple myeloma and curtain cell lymphoma.

In the integrated analysis, the most commonly reported adverse events
were asthenic conditions (including fatigue, uneasiness and failing) (64%),
nausea (55%), diarrhea (52%), stultification (41%), peripheral neuropathy NEC
(including peripheral sensory neuropathy and peripheral neuropathy
aggravated) (39%), thrombocytopenia and appetite decreased (including
anorexia) (each 36%), fever (34%), disgorgement (33%), anaemia (29%), oedema
(23%), worry, paresthesia and dysesthesia and headache (each 22%),
dyspnoea (21%), coughing and insomnia (each 20%), rash (18%), arthralgia (17%),
neutropenia and dizziness (excluding vertigo) (each 17%), pain in tree branch and
abdominal muscle pain (each 15%), os pain (14%), back painfulness and hypotension (each
13%), herpes herpes zoster, nasopharyngitis, upper respiratory tract infection,
myalgia and pneumonia (each 12%), muscle cramps (11%), and dehydration and
anxiety (each 10%). Twenty percent (20%) of patients experienced at least 1
episode of greater than or touch to Grade 4 toxicity, most commonly
thrombocytopenia (5%) and neutropenia (3%). A total of 50% of patients
experienced serious contrary events (SAEs) during the studies. The most
ordinarily reported SAEs included pneumonia (7%), febricity (6%), looseness of the bowels
(5%), vomit (4%), and nausea, desiccation, dyspnea and thrombocytopenia
(each 3%).

About Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is the second most mutual hematological malignancy.
Between 2001 - 2005, the average age of diagnosis was 70

Sunday 24 August 2008

Paul W.S. Anderson Realizes Too Late What Is Missing From �Death Race�

Courtesy of Universal

"But there are aspects to the first movie that we haven't really addressed in this movie. For example, in the first movie, you run people down for points. In this movie, certainly lots of people get run down, you just don't score points. If we did do another movie, I would like to address that." �Paul W.S. Anderson on what we can expect in a Death Race sequel [MTV]

"I was such a huge Six Feet Under fan � I mean, my cellphone ring was the theme song, so I had to change it when I got cast in the pilot because how embarrassing would that be!" �Julie Benz on working with Michael C. Hall in Dexter [Pop Wrap/NYP]

"I'm gonna be 24 this year. It's a progressive age, 24. I was finding myself and finding out the things that needed to be done as far as my career, what needed to be done. Certain moves. I feel like now I'm in a really great place. Cutting my hair, I feel like I'm going to another level. Cutting my hair was a step for me." �Omarion [MTV]

"If this record flops, I'll probably go back to school. I've always liked architecture." �Lily Allen [Paper via PR-Inside]

"I sleep well at night. I'm doing this so I don't have to get a proper job. I just hope I don't get found out." �Kevin Smith [Guardian]

More info

Thursday 14 August 2008

'Conan' unsheathed at Lionsgate

Dirk Blackman, Howard McCain to write new script

Dirk Blackman and Howard McCain are trying to corner the market on sword-swinging fantasy adventures.

The pair hold been hired to write a new script for "Conan," as in the barbarian, for Lionsgate. And the writing team's action-adventure screenplay "Amazon," an epical about female warriors to which Scarlett Johansson has been attached, is navigation out of turnaround toward Lionsgate as well, with Neal Moritz and his Original Film banner advent on to produce erstwhile the apportion is completed.

Director searches ar under way for both.

Paradox Entertainment president of the United States and CEO Fredrik Malmberg is producing the "Conan" feature along with Boaz Davidson, Joe Gatta and Avi Lerner of Millennium Films. Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer ("Sahara") have already been functional on a separate, parallel script for the photographic film, a electric potential resurrection of the greco-Roman warrior created by Robert E. Howard in stacks of pulp stories published in the 1930s. In 1982, Oliver Stone and John Milius wrote a bloody version, which Milius also directed, that asterisked Arnold Schwarzenegger.

"We all want this motion-picture show to go into output as before long as possible," Malmberg aforesaid. "It's a fast-tracked picture. Lionsgate matte up the process was enhanced by having a second team get in and do a script."

Much like with "Batman Begins," the studio hopes to redraw the Conan feature universe to raise a modern, post-millennial franchise. So rather than remaking the Schwarzenegger bloodfest, the writers have gone back to Howard's original stories to create a $100 million R-rated origin movie, the largest production to date for Lionsgate and Millennium.

"Fans expect (these types of movies) to be more true to the source material," Malmberg said. "There's no reason thither couldn't be a Conan movie every two long time. He's nearly like Batman: He's a dark hero. He's a hard hero. He has to be badass, merely we besides have to like him."

Blackman and McCain, repped by ICM and Circle of Confusion, latterly co-wrote the science fiction actioner "Outlander," which McCain also directed. It screens Friday at the Locarno film festival. They too are credited writers on "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans," due out next year.

More information

Thursday 7 August 2008

The Sum of All Fears

The biggest mystery in The Sum of All Fears is not how terrorists handle to smuggle a nuclear bomb into downtown Baltimore. Rather, it's how CIA operative Jack Ryan, formerly played by Alec Baldwin and Harrison Ford, has suddenly become 30 long time younger and has turned into a junior broker at the CIA with only a few months of live. In the hands of Ben Affleck, Ryan is no thirster the overlooking veteran he once was in films like Patriot Games. Now he's little more than a arrhythmic teenager with a hot girlfriend and a chip shot on his shoulder.

I won't try to explain the metamorphosis of Ryan because it's never mentioned in the moving-picture show (and no, it's non a prequel; the film takes

Friday 27 June 2008

The Northern Territories

The Northern Territories   
Artist: The Northern Territories



Orange Moon   
 Orange Moon

   Year: 1997   
Tracks: 11

Midnight Ambulance   
 Midnight Ambulance

   Year: 1994   
Tracks: 11


INTERVIEW: Emile Hirsch - Speed Racer!

Thursday 19 June 2008

Antoine Clamaran

Antoine Clamaran   
Artist: Antoine Clamaran



Release Yourself (J. Grau Mix)   
 Release Yourself (J. Grau Mix)

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 1

Release Yourself   
 Release Yourself

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 7


Saturday 14 June 2008

Ashlee flashed Pete on first date

Ashlee Simpson “flashed” Pete Wentz the first time they hung out together.

The couple - who are reportedly getting married on Saturday - also revealed that they were “friends with benefits” for a long time before getting together in 2006.

Pete said: "The first time we really hung out she flashed me." Ashlee added to Us Weekly magazine: “I lifted my dress over my head but it was love at first sight.”

The Fall Out Boy rocker also revealed Ashlee couldn’t remember him after they first met so he had to email a photograph to her.

He added: "I was in the 'friend zone' with her for a good solid year. I'd be calling her and following her around like a puppy dog."

The couple announced their engagement in April and are reportedly marrying this weekend at a “top secret” location.

A source said: “Proper invites have not been sent out but guests have been given a save the date notice."

It is rumoured that Ashlee is pregnant and the couple want to make it down the aisle before the baby is born.

See Also